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Tourney temple city


Welcome to the grand spectacle of the LEGO Tournament Temple City! Step into a realm where ancient legends collide with modern marvels, where towering spires reach towards the heavens and echoes of heroic deeds resound through the streets.

At the heart of this magnificent city stands the Tournament Temple, a breathtaking architectural marvel adorned with intricate details and adorned with banners that flutter in the wind. Here, warriors from distant lands and brave adventurers gather to test their skills in contests of strength, agility, and wit.

As you explore the bustling streets of Temple City, marvel at the vibrant marketplaces where merchants peddle exotic wares and artisans craft wonders from LEGO bricks. From the enchanting gardens where cherry blossoms bloom to the bustling taverns echoing with tales of valor, every corner of the city pulsates with energy and excitement.

But beware, for hidden dangers lurk in the shadows of Temple City. Dare to venture into the mysterious catacombs beneath the streets, where ancient secrets and untold treasures await those brave enough to uncover them. Or challenge the formidable guardians that stand watch over the city’s most coveted prizes.

Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a novice explorer, the LEGO Tournament Temple City offers endless opportunities for discovery and adventure. So gather your minifigures, hone your skills, and prepare to write your own legend in the storied streets of this magnificent metropolis.

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Welcome to the grand spectacle of the LEGO Tournament Temple City! Step into a realm where ancient legends collide with modern marvels, where towering spires reach towards the heavens and echoes of heroic deeds resound through the streets.

At the heart of this magnificent city stands the Tournament Temple, a breathtaking architectural marvel adorned with intricate details and adorned with banners that flutter in the wind. Here, warriors from distant lands and brave adventurers gather to test their skills in contests of strength, agility, and wit.

As you explore the bustling streets of Temple City, marvel at the vibrant marketplaces where merchants peddle exotic wares and artisans craft wonders from LEGO bricks. From the enchanting gardens where cherry blossoms bloom to the bustling taverns echoing with tales of valor, every corner of the city pulsates with energy and excitement.

But beware, for hidden dangers lurk in the shadows of Temple City. Dare to venture into the mysterious catacombs beneath the streets, where ancient secrets and untold treasures await those brave enough to uncover them. Or challenge the formidable guardians that stand watch over the city’s most coveted prizes.

Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a novice explorer, the LEGO Tournament Temple City offers endless opportunities for discovery and adventure. So gather your minifigures, hone your skills, and prepare to write your own legend in the storied streets of this magnificent metropolis.

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LEGO® Insiders Points







H: 19" (48cm)
W: 25" (63cm)
D: 13" (32cm)


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